Saturday, September 22, 2007

Call me beep me

A comic starring "THE POSSIBLE" is released!

"THE POSSIBLE: Robin and the Magic Apron"

A totally new cooking idol manga is born!

Names (L-R) top row: Mororin, Akkyan, Kaepyon
bottom row: Hashimon, Robin, Gotou

The WEBcomic can be sampled 24 hrs a day for free in the Yahoo! Comic free magazine FLEX COMIX BLOOD [wtf kind of name is that?]
Serialization STARTS October 15 2007!
(requires IE browser to run the comic reader)


hide-chan said...

Can they teach me how to bake with Koharu's oven? :miki:

Pata said...

Only Hana knows how to put a bun in Koharu's oven :miki: