Saturday, March 27, 2010

Confessions of a Yossy Fangirl

I would like to state for the record: I love Yoshizawa Hitomi.
She was my first idol love and is currently still my #1.


After four years of fangirling over Yossy, my one-track mind was suddenly derailed by this:


My explodededed brain was stuck on this chick's rock-hard abs and wondered where I could sign up for a bouldering session. The abs! The sex appeal!
The tiger print bikini...?

...THE ABS!!!

I wanted more. I looked at her name: Akimoto Sayaka, AKB48.

AKB48?! Never thought I'd see the day... *shrug*
Oh well, Yossy would tap that, right? ;)

SayakaAbs Pic Spam!

Plz don't ever stop flaunting those abs.

Baby! Koi ni Knockout!

Peeking from the darkness...

Blows any competition away.

Yeah... SayakaAbs is still teh winrar.

Abs, bikini and a wetsuit. Excuse me while I try to stop my massive nosebleed.

I hope they fired the genius who thought of covering Sayaka up with a wrap. D:<

Good lawd, I'm done. X____X


Pata said...

Why does the rating only go up to 5???

I give this post 10 STARS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Sayaka fan club!