Selected Quotes
IDOT #1:
Thats sad. If you wanna be together forever, you should get married, otherwise, thats sounds like a slut or the Maury show :glare:
IDOT #2:
Ahh, thats nice.
Anyway, so you are saying that you guys don't wanna get married. Are you guys still living together or you doing this buy yorself?
I feel sorry if you want to do this by yourself, because the next thing is it will be a problem. I predicted that you probably end up at the maury show trying to find out who's your babys daddy is.
Okay if you sure, good luck. see you on the Maury show.
IDOT #2:
Looks who taking
Anyway more life:
When I was five years old, we were at chruch and I was walking and couple of boys push me down. I strated to cry and I found out my arm was broken. I was so in pain that I slept coming home. So my dad drive to the doctor to put on the cast on my left arm. I was still in pain and crying when I got there. They at first warp it up, but I try to talk to off anyway. Then, they put some kind of thing that I forgot what it called. I think it was some kind of cast.
Couple of days later, My arm was working again, and they took it out. I will never forget that day when I broke my arm.I can believe I rember all of this.
IDOT #1:
You might think we sound like stupid, but this is the POSTIVE way. We just don't want you to be the best family. If you love him and he saids, "will you marry me", that should be the best gift of all girls. If I had a boyfriend like you and i like him and if he said, will you marry me, I will lose my mind
IDOT #2:
So you apologize right? If so Thats alright. I Understand what are you going through.
Berryz Fields:
You're 13, How the heck do you understand what she's going through?
Are you pregnant too???
IDOT #1:
No she ain't pregnant. We just know alot about the real world
Berryz Fields: (bolded "the real world" above)
Please stop talking about tv shows...
So everything you do here, you think it would be perfectly fine to say it to, say, your friends? Or do you act stupid and funny here because you think it doesn't matter since it's just a forum?
lol interview
IDOT #1:
^ If you wanna ask, you would never know. And that just a mystery about twins. So act cool ok ESM?
What kind of answer is that?
IDOT #1:
Patachu's first mystery about twins :miki:
Why can't you answer a simple question?
You should be more respectful.
IDOT #1:
I did. Only in a mysterious way
IDOT #2:
When did this mad a interview thread?
But then you didn't answer it, you just avoided it. That's something George W. Bush would do.
Are you trying to become like George W. Bush?
IDOT #1:
Anyways, when we were born, me and olive had nicknames. Mines were Radical Rachel, and olives were well Olive. Our mom called Olivia "Little Bit" because she was so cute when she was a baby. You wanna see us as babies? Well we can't show them to you, due to pedophilia. And guess how much we weight when we were little?
esm/amped/Patachu (throughout the page):
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
IDOT #1:
Probably what.
3 pounds and the other 2 or 4 pounds. Anyways, we were very small. We can both fit in our dad hands. Thats how small.
he should have crushed you when he had the chanceIDOT #1:
It is true. We were that small. How would you feel if your parents or anyone said that to you. BIG BULLIES
IDOT #1:
Last night, I got dizzy for a second. MAybe not much water or something to drink. I drank root beer and I was better.
Last night, I thought I was going to vomit. then I realized I was just reading your posts.
IDOT #1:
I'm just saying telling us things that premies are retarted like us. So if premies are retarted, you calling yourselves retarted.
stupid logic :glare:
IDOT #2:
Not cool.
Anyway, When I was in one of the shelters we use to live, I threw up in the middle of the night. I was crying for help and they came to clean it up. That was couple of years ago.
That was all.
IDOT #2:
Okay. There is this boy at church name La darius. He's 15 and like everytime he sees us, he touches us on the arms and checks us out funny. He's even a Sunday school teacher for the little kids. He does that to us and this girl name Jasmine. Really, he does that to me. I THINK HE LIKES ME!
Some people make little physical contacts while talking. :roll:
Some people use their brains before talking. :miki:
Some people have their own brain cells :miki:
IDOT #2:
You guys and brain cells. What are you teenagers?
What are you, a dysfunctional cell?
What are you, a piece of poo? [referring to THEM, I suppose lol]
IDOT #1:
NO idiots.
Yep, you are an idiots.
This thread should go to H!I WTF History thread :rofl: